Saturday, June 6, 2009

We have joined the family in blogosphere

Whoo hoo! I have fumbled my way through the set up, now the challenge of actually posting something! Stay tuned and be patient as nothing happens quickly if I am in charge of it.


  1. Hey, welcome to the 'blogosphere'! (cool word by the way) When I signed up to be a follower, some how my picture ended up on your site twice. I am such a novice. I had a difficult time convincing the computer my name was not the word it automatically came up with, but it looks like it worked. If you can get the extra picture off that would be great. Looking forward to seeing some great things here and great posts on mom's blog!

  2. Mom, you really need to update your blog. If you're going to have these things you have to keep on top of them. Love you!
